Advanced conversion
Safely convert 3D models in seconds
Free, secure and fully offline. Just drag and drop your 3D model file to convert it to any popular format.
Drag and drop file(s)
or click to convert
Your files are processed safely and privately on your own computer and never stored on a server.
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Free online 3D model converter software
Our online 3D model converter is completely free, fast and secure. You can convert as many files as you want, no limit. All conversions happen in your browser, so there is nothing to install, and your files are not uploaded to any server.
That also means Convert3D works on any platform, including Windows, Mac, Linux and ChromeOS and browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge and Brave.
We support more than 400+ possible conversions, including tough ones like USDZ and STEP, as well as the most common 3D model formats such as FBX, OBJ, GLTF and DAE.
How to convert 3D models

Drag in your model
Scroll to the top of this page, or choose a specific converter. Drag in your 3D model file.

Preview in full 3D
We instantly preview your model in 3D. You can rotate, zoom and pan around to inspect it and make sure you have the right file.

Pick an export format
Choose the format to convert to. The file will immediately start downloading.
Popular Conversions
Engineered for privacy
3D models are often key to your business. We believe that means you should be in control of them and do everything to keep them private.
Nothing uploaded
Model conversion happens locally on your machine. Nothing is uploaded to our servers.
No login required
Your conversions are 100% anonymous. No sign up, no credit card.
No PII tracking
We track anonymous usage data and statistics so we know what to improve, but nothing that can be used to identify you.
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